Night Shyamalan directed this super-creepy Best Picture nominee, in which a pre-awkward Haley Joel Osment is plagued by sightings of dead people and child psychologist Bruce Willis helps him deal. Taste is subjective, so take this for what it’s worth. Methodology: like our books piece, the selections for our Definitive Men’s Movie Collection represent our favorites, “considered in the light of how much they changed our lives, and might change yours.” If it makes you feel any better that your favorite flick didn’t make the cut, consider that one of our auditors, in a moment of weakness, tried to get Nick Cage’s Ghostrider on the docket. They’re are all monster movies in one way or another.

The bloody thread that ties them together? Very simply, they deal with the darkest sides of human nature: cruelty, despair, madness and the like. We’ve gathered a true blend of styles, with plenty of films that could easily bleed into other genres, and, of course, a bunch that are pure horror to their very blackened hearts. Truth is, skimming our list of the best 50 horror films of all time on this very special Friday the 13th should do more to convince you than any argument ever will.