For an adaptation that is NOT trying to be a spin off but a direct adaptation, the first impressions they offered was the middle finger. The initial episodes had really jerky motions and many complained how the characters didn’t look or behave at all like in the manga. It is a very striking weakness that alone makes it seem lazy compared to others shonens. The most obvious fault is how they use repeated footage during summons and attacks, an element that is in fact absent from fighting shonen and better affiliated with mahou shojo or mecha. PRODUCTION VALUES - Art and animation are rather crude for the time the show was made. In all, the mangaka is not much of talent for anything past creating mediocrities. Plus you can easily see that Fairy Tail is basically its improved remake, reusing the same character archetypes and feeling. In case you didn’t watch that show, I advise you not to do so for it’s a completely generic, aimless, boring, and incomplete series. Based on the manga by Mashima Hiro, whose only previous major work was Rave Master. Directed by some nobody who never made something significant in his whole career. What they have in common is how most of what they have made over the years is mediocre and forgettable. The first usually have very good production values and the later have low. THE STAFF - Animated by a collaboration of studios A-1 Pictures and Satelight. Not only that, but the show rehashes them in a watered down way to the point it becomes a Saturday morning cartoon. It can work alright but it will never stand out on its own it will forever be just a rehash of already established formulas that have been attributed to others at least a decade earlier.

For to be honest, there is approximately zero innovation in this work and it just walks upon the path others paved before it. Nothing we haven’t seen before but, hey, if it worked before why wouldn’t it work again? Because it’s WORSE!It is hard to talk about anything in this show without feeling like I am just stating the obvious or just describing a different shonen. Because just like those shonens, FT has superpowers, adventure and a big cast of colourful and eccentric characters that occasionally get focused upon and fleshed out. I guess rehashing notions from Naruto or One Piece can make a success out of anything. Fairy Tail (FT) is from the pilot chapter/episode an average shonen series and yet it is loved by many for being just that. PROPER MINDSET Ah, gotta love the masses and their love for mediocrity.